Frequently Asked Dental Questions – Derby, KS

Ask Your
Derby Dentist

Our entire team loves answering our patients’ questions, so if you have something on your mind that you’d like to ask us, go ahead and pick up the phone! Before that, however, be sure to look over our responses to some of the most common questions we hear every day.

Are you currently accepting new patients?

Yes, Illuminate Family Dentistry is ready to accept new patients and provide any services they might need right here in Derby.

Can you see my children?

Yes, Dr. Clark and the rest of the team have plenty of experience taking care of younger smiles. Dr. Clark is a mother herself, so she knows how much easier it is to be able to take your child to the same dental office as yourself, plus she loves getting to know the entire family.

How often should I brush my teeth?

This answer can be different from person to person, but on average, it’s best to brush your teeth at least twice a day—once in the morning and once in the evening. What most people overlook is that both sessions need to be two minutes each! So, if you don’t use an electric brush with a timer, be sure to set one with your phone.

How often should I floss?

You only need to floss once in the evening to enjoy optimal oral hygiene. When you don’t floss, you leave about 40% of your teeth uncleaned, putting you at a higher risk of cavities, gum disease, and bad breath. If you don’t like using traditional thread floss, there are several flossing tools available to help you get into the habit.

Will you accept my dental insurance?

Illuminate Family Dentistry is in-network with several popular PPO dental insurance plans, and we’re happy to accept many out-of-network policies as well. To learn how we could use your benefits, be sure to take advantage of our instant insurance checker, or you can give our team a call. We’ll be more than happy to go over your coverage and answer your questions.

I don’t have dental insurance. How else can I save on my care?

You don’t need dental insurance to have easy access to affordable dental care! Instead, you can take advantage of our in-house Illuminate+ Membership Plan. To learn more about how it works and find a plan, visit our Dental Patient Information page.